Cannot find IArrItem and IGLTFBaseLoaderExtension

I updated babylon.js 5.0-alpha48 to the final release, and I now receive the following errors from TypeScript:

\node_modules\babylonjs-loaders\babylonjs.loaders.module.d.ts(5393,31): error TS2552: Build:Cannot find name 'IArrItem'. Did you mean 'ArrayItem'?

\node_modules\babylonjs-loaders\babylonjs.loaders.module.d.ts(5775,51): error TS2304: Build:Cannot find name 'IGLTFBaseLoaderExtension'.

I have types set in tsconfig.json:

"types": [

Are there additional type definitions that should be added or is this caused by something else?

Thank you!

Thanks for reporting! I’ll look into that later today. A fix Will arrive shortly after :blush:

A PR was submitted - [Build] revamp declarations by RaananW · Pull Request #12319 · BabylonJS/Babylon.js ( , once merged it will be included in the next patch of 5.0.

Thanks again!


Thank you!