How SubEmitter#inheritDirection works?

I have 2 questions about SubEmitter#inheritDirection :dizzy_face:


When subemitter.inheritDirection=true, its +y is determined, how to derive +x then?


“When subemitter.inheritDirection=true, subemitter’s +y is equal to the direction that particle was heading…” []

Here’s a PG Babylon.js Playground proving that it does not.
Is it a bug ?


This is how it is used:

if (subEmitter.inheritDirection) {
                emitterMesh.position.subtractToRef(this.direction, TmpVectors.Vector3[0]);
                // Look at using Y as forward
                emitterMesh.lookAt(TmpVectors.Vector3[0], 0, Math.PI / 2);

In other words, the sub particle system emitter is aligned with the particle direction that will emit the new sub system

Does that make more sense?

I found that

emitterMesh.position.subtractToRef(this.direction, v)

where v always approach to v3(0,0,0), then

emitterMesh.lookAt(v, 0, Math.PI/2)

emitterMesh will always lookAt origin even if the particle is moving the opposite way…:dizzy_face:

Should L191 at

if (..) {
  emitterMesh.setDirection(this.direction.normalize(), 0, Math.PI/2);



good catch! do you want to do a PR?

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