const hl = new HighlightLayer('hl', scene, {isStroke:true, mainTextureFixedSize:2048, camera:camera});
When highilghtLayer is done, and setting isEnabled to false, is that mean highilghtLayer stop rendering?
I tried to hl.dispose(), but it could’t be disposed
hl.isEnabled = false
It seems that highilghtLayer still work. How to stop it correctly and no longer render?
These two PG add 15000 spheres in scene, and create a HilghlightLayer, and setting highlightLayer .isEnabled = false in 3000 ms. The different is that one PG its sphere meshes were all push into excluded list, the other PG do nothing.
When highlightLayer got disable, i found the PG which using function HilghlightLayer.addExcludedMesh() got lower FPS. Always 1~2 fps different.
Dispose is not good while it was high frequence use. I hope to pause highlightlayer rendering when i need, and start rendering also. When setting isEnabled = false,the layer still works?In large scene,this setting reduce performance more obvious?