I made progress on the cave editor. It’s almost done, I still have to do the export part to copy the created caves to the editor’s media. I also have some idea of improvements that I will see later.
I made progress on the cave editor. It’s almost done, I still have to do the export part to copy the created caves to the editor’s media. I also have some idea of improvements that I will see later.
nice man. did you see the thread on the top down rpg? Multiplayer 3d Top Down RPG - Babylon.js & Colyseus - #110 by mawa
i feel like you guys could collaborate.
We don’t do the same type of editor if you look closer.
Collaborate? Are you crazy? More seriously, I’m sure if we were working together, we would crush it but I’m not ready to let go yet
Nice progress @Dad72 !
Silly question but have to ask it, will we be able to upload our meshes to your editor?
Great work this looks amazing!
Good morning,
There are no silly questions. only the answers can be.
Yes the media tab allows you to add your own 3D models, you textures, images, sounds, music.
There are default templates distributed with the editor, you can use them or not and add as many as you want.
You can also add directories to organize your assets. Here is a screenshot.
An swesome editor environtment, well done. Looking at the editor in an different type of application, porting it over to PHP sever side and integrate into Worpress as a WebGL integration plugin that could create fully functionalized 3d page elements that would save as objects and use the viewer as on overlay of canvas to the flat HTML rendering so a to have good visible control of page element placement, Definately add tweening functionality…
Any way awesome work for learners like me to learn from
Respect and thanks.
Good morning,
welcome to you. Thank you for your message. I’m not sure I understand your sentence, which is too long to be read.
Are you talking about a plugin for wordpress? If so, I wouldn’t know how to do it not using and not knowing wordpress (except by name).
May I just ask you Guys what ‘worpress’ or ‘wopress’ is/are? I mean I know there are plenty of fancy small companies trying to take advantage of the reputation of a renown brand/app, but I never heard of those
Hi and welcome to the Community,
I hope you are enjoying your time with BJS.
I have to say I’m sorry, but same as @Dad72 I’m not sure to fully understand your question… is it a question? May be there’s some language issue in your post. I have to say english is also not my language, which doesn’t help… but I’m pretty much unable to decypher the content here (Sorry).
I believe this is not the goal of this development and actually, I don’t see what benefit a plug-in for creating MMORPG in ‘Wordpress’ (is it?) would bring. This seems rather fancy and inapropriate, in my opinion only.
However, if you are looking for a plugin to intergrate a BJS canvas within a WP site, incidentally, this one does exist. May be you wanna have a look at this link.
Meanwhile again, welcome to the Community and have a great day
I wrote it wrong. Oops. I corrected.
WordPress is a free and open-source content management system.
it is a CMS for creating websites. But I guess you knew that.
But I never use that.
Without a doubt this project is immense.
My congratulations @Dad72 for the talent and ability to develop something so powerful.
Some news after 1 month. I started the quest editor which is almost finished.
Just select a project that displays all the quests available for each zone create. This allows you to better organize your quests.
Otherwise, I did a lot of optimization, improvements, fixes in the generated editor and game, but I don’t have an image to show for that. I started other stuff, but not in a state to be shown.
I would like to thank all the nice comments, encouragement, congratulations. It’s motivating and I hope the project will live up to expectations.
I made much less progress during this month. I have my daughter who is now 13 years old and who asks me for changes in her room in terms of painting, decoration, new carpentry furniture to be done. … So I am making much less progress on my editor. But I try to give you news once a month.
See you soon
Small update of the terrain editor.
I added an autoTexture tool which allows to paint quickly and more precisely the terrains.
Then you can manually adjust with a brush to paint paths and such.
I would like to thank @Evgeni_Popov for his help with this feature.
If anyone is interested, here is the PG that allows this:
I also changed the custom loading of the game and the editor.
When the engine is created, it opens a splashScreen with the mark, then when the scene is created with a promise, it displays a progress bar.
I finally took over a dedicated server. I started to make the website which will present the editor and allow to download it.
The link to this website is secure https.
The address is accessible, but the site is still under construction, so apart from a nice index page, there is nothing else to see at the moment. But it’s coming soon.
Good luck!! Best wishes from me too! The product will be smashing
I have a forum set up that is accessible. It’s a modern forum a bit like this one… I use Flarum. Don’t hesitate to subscribe if you have any questions or to follow.
link: Realm Crafting Forum
And from the editor I also added a tab that gives access to this forum to allow its use from the editor.
Otherwise I also added in the Project tab of the editor a textarea to add your personal notes during the creation of your game.
Some new screenshots of the different scenes of game or editor.
This is what will make the demo that the publisher will build by default and which will be enhanced over time to end up making a small playable game (but I’m not there yet). For the moment this allows me to test that everything is fine, that everything is loading correctly…
All the templates you see come with the editor and there are many more.
Login Scene
Create or play with a character
Game scene
At sunset
The map allows you to see the entire terrain (it is automatically generated each time a player logs in)
The zone editor
I’m thinking of releasing everything soon at this stage (before the end of the year), after checking that everything is going well. But that won’t mean it’s over.
See you soon
loooks goood !!!
Massive! It looks great. Can’t wait to see this progressing