ReactJS And BabylonJS

Hi there,
In my quest to use Microsoft Visio everywhere and after my use of BabylonJS for displaying Visio Drawing in 3D, I have build a Visio SPFx Webpart that display and interact with Visio drawing in SharePoint. It is using React. So I would like to create a BabylonJS React WebPart. I succeed using a static scene. But now i want to dynamically change the content of the scene in the render loop. Does anyone can help me?

Not a React user so cannot help specifically. Have your read How to use Babylon.js with ReactJS - Babylon.js Documentation ?

Thanks for the link, I was not aware of that.

There is an error in the documentation for npm install you have to read “npm install babylonjs” without the quote. Don’t know who is managing the doc and who can modify this for others.

You can have a go at doing the correction yourself if you want. Improve Documentation - Babylon.js Documentation

For a small typo like this the Easy Way is a good start

Works like a charm