The grid overlaps another grid. (ORTHOGRAPHIC_CAMERA, BILLBOARDMODE_ALL)

The position of the back plane in x y and z is smaller than the position of the plane with the stone pattern. But for some reason it is the back plane that is displayed, thereby blocking the view of the front plane. Please help, suggest a solution to the problem. Maybe there is a way to set the zIndex of the mesh so that the camera first renders those objects that have a higher zIndex. Or another solution.
Thanks in advance!

All planes have billboardMode = BABYLON.AbstractMesh.BILLBOARDMODE_ALL


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You know the drill :wink: please share a PG so we can help

(I love your artistic direction btw)

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(thanks you☺)

I created a PG, but it does not have this error, although I did everything the same as in the original, the same positions and angles. Perhaps I missed something, so I am still studying this issue.

how do you create the engine? In your code? that could be the difference here