Trying to work on the Inspector but methods that were added to other .ts file do not get mapped

So I am working on the Inspector and I added some methods on the SkeletonViewer class that were needed for toggling the different view modes without re-initializing the viewer.

In order to have VS code say they existed on the SkeletonViewer class I had to do a build, but when I deleted those changes to the babylon.d.ts and other files VS code lost the ability to see the methods and wont let the npm run start work now.

I guess the work around would be to do the assume unchanged git commands to the files that I discard changes on before a commit, but every time I do that they just come back into my commit list so I must be doing something wrong.

Is there a way to make it so methods added to classes are exposed to the inspectors ts files or does it always require a build?

Then second if my assume unchanged commands are not going through is there another option for that?

What I do is I run npm run build when I change the core engine. That will update babylon.d.ts

Add I just revert the dist folder when doing my PRs