Which AR library is p3d using to achieve this effect?

p3d offers a very cool AR markerless feature that just requires you to point your camera around for a while so the software gets an idea of the surroundings. This is not something new, they have had it for a year already.

I would LOVE to be able to use something like this, but so far I’ve not found out how they do.

Take as an example this model, but it works with any: p3d.in - Link Redesigned

And here 6 screenshots made with my phone: https://gcdn.pbrd.co/images/fxu4hYqFRlub.jpgl

  1. Loading page
  2. Click AR from the left column
  3. Move your camera around
  4. The model is already loaded
  5. You can see it from the back, and get a closer look
  6. You can see it from the bottom, pointing to the ceiling

This is way better than what I’ve seen so far in the playground, were you can’t really get closer, see from the sides or back, and so on: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#F41V6N#32

Those demos might help WebXR Demos and Examples | Babylon.js Documentation

Hi Sebavan

Thanks, already tested them. They are unfortunately one or two years behind this one.

Have a nice day.

What do you mean by 1-2 years behind this one ???

What feature are you looking into exactly ? webXR is markerless I am really not sure to follow what you are looking into which is not available ?

For example, this sphere:

Try to place yourself behind it, or getting closer, it’s just not happening. It’s like the example above just takes in consideration the gyroscope but not the actual position of the phone.

With p3d.in - Link Redesigned you can get close from any angle and see every detail, and it’s very stable too. It takes a few seconds at first until the App gets enough information about the room you are at, but once it finishes, it’s done.

The example from the playground doesn’t analyze the room itself.

Please just try both, the difference is very clear.

What device are you testing with ?

Please note the sphere is about a 2 meter sphere 5 meters from you in the shared example to have something you can rotate around directly you should change the size and make it closer.

Also you could try this one Babylon.js Playground and place the mesh nearby.

Ok… I’m dumb, you are right.

I didn’t notice the playground examples have such big and far away models.

The phone I use for testing is Samsung s20 pro, it was fine.

My next step will be to do a surface recognition feature or similar to be able to place objects around. As Three JS has some examples, porting should not be an issue.

Thanks a lot

There is already a plane detection feature to help with positioning if you need it : WebXR Augmented Reality Features | Babylon.js Documentation