My career was a senior software engineer Cambridge UK in the organisation behind Parasolid, the engine inside the majority of high level CADCAM packages, mainly 3D maths geometry and algorithms.
Then a lifestyle change, we (my family) bought a small ski hotel and then later a campsite (campground to some) which enabled me to pursue other long term interests including engineering ( I have a large workshop ) and playing saxophone.
My ongoing practical project is the design and creation of designer lighting using the old skill of metal spinning - it took 3 years to get ontop of metal spinning - its not easy but I got there. I am hoping to start one-man artisan production soon. This all was inspired by my Danish connections - I married a Danish woman and fell in love with modern danish design.
I bumped into BabylonJS whilst exploring the possibility of animating and posing a medically accurate skeleton for use by educators.
I am planning to train as an Alexander Technique (AT) teacher in a year, I have been involved with AT for over 15 years - its a long term ambition. Alexander Technique is most definitely not centred around knowledge of the human skeleton but such knowledge is considered useful so I wanted to write a tool that would enable authors and article writers to demonstrate their point with realistic and accurately posed skeletal models.
I follow current research in various aspects of skeletal anatomy - for instance the complex and not fully understood dynamics of the rib-cage during movement and breathing - the principles are there but measuring movement invivo ( living people ) has only recently become possible with MRI technology and even so analysis to break down movements in terms of principle axes or rotation and ROM ( range of movement ) is still in its infancy.
We are also planning to self build our third tourist business which will be a few guest lodges and a house for us - this will be our economic anchor whilst we continue to pursue hobbies (some paid some not).
So thats my life bucket for happiness - earn a living doing a range of diverse things that you love doing and would probably do anyway even if unpaid.