To be honest, the original post has like 1 sentence of useful information. How does anything after the first paragraph pertain to a hiring decision or is even remotely suitable to present you in a favourable light? You are screwing yourself over - especially in terms of wage.
Like what? Some leetcode shit, some toxic hate spilling Youtube loudmouths tell you to do otherwise you are a loser? Watch simondev instead and adapt it. Watch actual lectures. Do people still read? Then do that. Make pull requests to other projects (if anything, do that).
You want a job in “web development” and one of the major projects you advertise says it doesnt run on mobile. If you do a commercial Babylon project, what is the chance that it will have to run on mobile…?
If the FPS is to demonstrate your value as a web developer, I would make it mobile first, ensure it runs at 60fps and with super low lantency (it runs over the network, right?) Also, it might be beneficial if it demonstrated your ability to code shaders - because that is difficult (and less people can do it).