Visual Studio Code & babylonJS autocompletion

I’ve updated the starter with the latest babylon and latest create-react-app.

To update to a later version you go into package.json and find where it says “@babylon/core”: “4.1.0” and update to a newer version there.

This repo was created based on create-react-app. There might be better solutions today such as
vite - GitHub - vitejs/vite: Native-ESM powered web dev build tool. It's fast.
snowpack -
esbuild - GitHub - evanw/esbuild: An extremely fast JavaScript bundler and minifier

But it is a lot to learn.
You could easily move your code to one of these later on when you have gotten used to building using typescript and ES modules.

Good luck :slight_smile:

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Wow!!! :raised_hands: :raised_hands: :raised_hands: Thank you very much!

I know that it is a long journey for me, but I’m very interested in using TS as my main language for Babylon, and learn how all this nmp world works to build my apps.


Thank you so much. It works great.

Sorry if I open this tread again, but I have a similar question and I thought to follow up.
I hope it’s not a too basic request, though.

I usually use the editor online, but would love to manage the code via an editor like Atom and Brackets…

I’d like to install the auto-complete for JavaScript. I use these on Mac.

In Atom, you can search packages directly, but in most of the cases they need to be installed externally.

Like @Vinc3r, I’m not a programmer (I am a 3D Generalist), but I know vanilla JavaScript. This is why I understand the logic, but I may have problems with stuff like installing a framework.

I saw the post of @Leon on the TypeScript version… do you know if there is something similar for JavaScript?

Thank you!

There has been a lot of changes regarding modern bundlers.

I updated my starter to use Vite, which is a really fast new and upcoming bundler.

I also created an ecmascript version of the starter for those of you that want it.
you can find it on the same link as before, but on it’s own branch

GitHub - leon/starter-babylonjs: A modern starter for babylonjs 4 (preview release) - typescript version

GitHub - leon/starter-babylonjs at ecmascript - ecmascript (js) version


Please look at kheljs framework. This is one of the reason why I created kheljs framework - to get better intellisense form Visual Studio Code during development. See the documentation at

But kheljs is much mode than that.


i love you thank you.