Babylon 5.0.2 Mesh.MergeMeshes flips backface of GLB Models

Isn’t this going against backwards compatibility?
In 4.2 it only works without mesh.overrideMaterialSideOrientation = null;
but now in 5.2, it only works with mesh.overrideMaterialSideOrientation = null;

I checked using your PG.

Having upgraded Babylon three times, now I’m really afraid of it, because something always breaks.

Each time I wasted at least one to two days of unnecessary debugging. Then followed by several days waiting for the released fix to be on npm. Usually accompanied by dirty quick fixes while waiting (manually changing code in npm node_modules before bundling) in order to release to production.

I mean breaking changes between versions is normal, as long as they are clearly stated in Change logs, and without promising people that it’s backwards compatible.