function (newMeshes) {
function (progressEvent) {
function (scene, message, exception) {
console.log("ImportMesh failed: " + message)
ImportMesh failed: Unable to load from ./testData/DLQHJ/DHQLJ.obj: importMesh of undefined from undefined version: undefined, exporter version: undefinedimportMesh has failed JSON parse
ImportMesh failed: Unable to load from importMesh of undefined from undefined version: undefined, exporter version: undefinedimportMesh has failed JSON parse
I have already pinged him, he will reply when he is able. Please remember that help on the forum is voluntary and at a time when it is convenient for community members, who are usually very good with their assistance. Re-pinging a community member is not at all helpful.
Now, about the issue at hand - it feels like you are missing the loaders library, which is required in order to load files other than the .babylon file format. Make sure to include the loaders library, either in your html file or in your npm bundle, depending on how you work.
My English is not good and I am not good at expression. Please forgive me for offending. Is my use of the above correct? Even using the resources of the official website is not successful
So I would make sure you are really including and bundling the loaders. The loaders package is most certainly missing if it is trying to load a .glb file as a JSON file.
Try running npm update , as there might be a version discrepancy between the two.
As mentioned above, ImportMesh can only be used successfully when it is quoted online. Ts&weckpack can’t succeed all the time,I don’t know why,Can this situation be solved?
Maybe you need to use BABYLONloader.ImportMesh instead of Babylon.SceneLoader.ImportMesh if that’s where you imported that functionality into? I’m just guessing thou since I don’t actually import that way (I import the classes one at a time from their path without any BABYLON or BABYLONloader namespaces)…