Hello. I want each wheel to rotate around its axis. It rotates around the common axis of the machine. What am I doing wrong? To start them, hold the spacebar.
I see you are using Making a Simple Driven Car - Babylon.js Documentation. To make full use of this I suggest you identify, in your project, the parts that make the carBody, and each individual wheel. Having done this follow the PG from the docs naming the carBody and wheels as in the PG. You will need to position the wheels according to your values. Use getAbsolutePosition() if needed.
Once you have identified the four wheels the other parts make up the car body. To identify the wheels use the Inspector to find node names. To get you started use this PG https://www.babylonjs-playground.com/#AYD85K#2 a simplified version of yours.
According to one of the picture in the doc pointed to by @JohnK, the main pivot should be on the right of the rear-right wheel, so in your case it is x=-50 and not x=+50:
I have commented out the rotation of the front wheels when the car is moving (lines 186-187 and 193-194): when uncommented, you will see it does not work as expected as soon as you use A/D and move forward.
I think it’s because you should not use setPivotPoint for the front wheels but instead create a dummy mesh as the pivot point and parent the wheel to this point (do it for each front wheel). That’s how it is done in the sample, and as it is working it must be the right way to do it.