Consultation to build - WebXR Anxiety solution

Hello, I’m looking for potential consultant for advice on Babylon.Js workflow to build a solution to help reduce trauma and anxiety for those in the legal system. I’m looking to gain an understanding of the workflow for XR and pros and cons of different approaches. We are considering lidar and photogrammetry for data capture but need to understand timescale and associated cost of processing. We have various ideas for data representation when in the XR scene and are working with psychologists to ensure a trauma informed approach to the overall solution.

Ideally located in Scotland the candidate will be proficient in Babylon.js and able to integrate into a multi disciplined team. This work will build into a bid that if successful could be implemented in various facilities across Scotland for potential growth world wide.

We really look forward to hearing from potential candidates that are interested in this role. Thanks for taking the time to read this!


That’s a really cool concept, I hope you find someone soon!

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Thanks! Fingers crossed… would you be interested? :+1:

I love what you are trying to build !!!

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So you are trying to render high definition terrain to people that murdered someone and are locked up for life? I’m confused what does lidar and photogrammerty have to do with incarceration and anxiety? Just trying to understand the context here, it sounds like a interesting project.

Well, for me, it happens everytime I’m flying over a city in photogrammetry in MSFS :airplane: :flight_arrival: :laughing:. Looking at the ‘bombed’ buildings, I’m starting to feel anxious and will eventually loose track of the runway and come offset of the gliding slope. Can you help with this, doctor? :grin: :crazy_face:

I guess the photogrammetry data can be of a person’s hometown or beloved places? I’ve seen some similar approaches for elderly people :smiley: How Virtual Reality Is Benefiting Seniors (

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Sorry for the confusion but I should have said this is for Victims and Witnesses of crime, not perpetrators!!

Anxiety and trauma can be re triggered/exaggerated by the court room experience and this is effectively a training scenario to familiarise them with the physical legal environment to prepare them for seeing the accused in court or to inform them of all the people and the roles involved to help them be prepared and to give the best possible evidence.

Lidar/photogrammetry will be used to capture buildings and locations to inform them of location, proximity to transport and general navigation in the building.


Oh and a “multiplayer” mode developed to allow victim support workers to join them in the scene to give guidance and answer questions. Either remote networked or co-located VR.
Thanks for any advice, feedback.


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That makes way more sense! Sounds like one heck of a project. Hahaha sorry if my question was odd.

These are great use cases, so much more possibilities than gaming… But I do love a good flight sim VR! :airplane:

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