Hi developers! cc @julien-moreau
I made a simple WebXR (immersive-vr) project working on Babylon.js Editor.

flushpot1125/WebXR_VRController_Editor_template (github.com)
Regarding with my next plan, I’ll make several sample projects for Babylonjs Editor
- immersive-vr : teleport, change mesh of controllers, grabbing objects
- immersive-ar: plane detection, hit test, image tracking
These may not be difficult but I don’t have so much time. Therefore, it may takes several weeks.
Amazing!! Thank you so much for sharing!
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@Limes2018 that’s so amazing !!! I just added the link to your project here: Editor/doc.md at feature/fbx · BabylonJS/Editor · GitHub
I also wrote documentation about renaming a project here: Editor/2-renaming-project.md at feature/fbx · BabylonJS/Editor · GitHub (was one of your feedbacks)
Don’t hesitate if you have any other feedback, will be a pleasure! 
Great thanks for adding it on the official manual and your modification.
But, the two link shows 404 not found. Could you check the permission again.
Thanks again 
Ouuuuuups just merged the branch so you can reach it here Editor/doc.md at release/4.0.0 · BabylonJS/Editor · GitHub
Don’t hesitate if you want to add a summary of the project in the MD file I shared, will be a pleasure to add 
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I could read it and deeply appreciate for added my sample!
Yeah, I think about adding summary 
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