Domino Art Game

Season’s Greetings - celebrating the holiday season releasing a new Web3D game - Bjorn’s dominoART. Play with physics and dominoes and design your domino effects in 3D. Publish your designs and start to collect Likes. Compete with others on the complexity of the domino layouts.

Try it:


Cool idea! That’s a very slippery table! :slight_smile:

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@westonsoftware, indeed very slippery, trying to use physicsImpostor.physicsBody.linearDamping but with somewhat limited success. Any ideas?

@Necips , thank you. This triggered a review of the code and I found something pretty embarrassing. Turns out “physicsImpostor.physicsBody.linearDamping = 0.9” works very well. Probably implemented with the code you referred to.


This is SO FUN to play around! :smiley: I have a suggestion: dialing down the specular component on the table would make it look more “woody” and reduces this glare at some angles that makes the dominoes a bit hard to see:

Thanks! You have full control of light sources and textures - use the Properties sidebar + go to Project properties. I will work on better default values!