Gamepad Controller

It’s a bug alright.
I’ve compared attachControl() methods of FreeCameraGamepadInput and ArcRotateCameraGamepadInput, and this is this is missing for arc rotate camera:

        // if no xbox controller was found, but there are gamepad controllers, take the first one
        if (!this.gamepad && manager.gamepads.length) {
            this.gamepad = manager.gamepads[0];

Filed the bug here: ArcRotateCamera gamepad input other than XBOX
Works for me with this workaround:

    const gamepadManager = this.scene.gamepadManager;
    this.gamepadInput = new BABYLON.ArcRotateCameraGamepadInput();
    const oldAttach = this.gamepadInput.attachControl;
    this.gamepadInput.attachControl = () => {
      if (!this.gamepadInput.gamepad && gamepadManager.gamepads.length ) {
        this.gamepadInput.gamepad = gamepadManager.gamepads[0];

Regarding to the original code, note that we don’t need to create new GamepadManager, Scene already contains one.

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