Getting the particle world position in the fragment shader

Hello Evgeni,

thank you for looking into that. Your assumption was correct, the BILLBOARDMODE_ALL was indeed missing. The reason for this was the way I have invoked engine.createEffectForParticles():

    let effect = engine.createEffectForParticles("part3effect",
    [], // uniforms
    [], // samplers
    "#define ANIMATESHEET", // define string,
    null, // fallbacks
    null, // on compiled,
    null, // on error

the define string was set in order to fix the issue described here:

I have now applied the second solution proposed by rdurnin, which fixes both issues:

    let defines = [];
    this.particleSystem.fillDefines(defines, this.particleSystem.blendMode);

    let effect = engine.createEffectForParticles("part3effect",
    [], // uniforms
    [], // samplers
    defines.join('\n'), // define string,
    null, // fallbcks
    null, // on compiled,
    null, // on error
