Hair Simulation WebGPU

Hey folks happy new year!

For a very WIP underwater first-person-fishing game with a currently very hairless character, I wanted non-rigid hair.

But of course it will also be useful for various soft elements like floating seaweed, fish fins, kelp. So I wanted to have performant rope physics that I can slap onto Babylon meshes with some control over the physics settings.

So, down the rabbit hole with ChatGPT to learn some simulation math, then implement it in WGSL.

Here’s the result!

I am working in whatever midnight minutes I can spare (new dad) so it is not as polished as I would like, but I would love to get feedback on any part :slight_smile: Especially some parts of the physics aren’t quite natural. I will add some questions for the matrix geniuses here when I have the energy. :slight_smile:



This is awesome !!!




I’ve improved the stability and performance, :slight_smile:

And a WIP fork for simulating simple plants with thin-instanced ‘leaves’:


Amazing! :heart_eyes:


This is awesome :heart_eyes:
Great work!

Congrats on becoming a parent. Welcome to the club :metal:


The development is looking great! Nice improvements on the hair dynamics.The plant life will be a perfect addition to your game development. Maybe you can implement bubble plumes coming from the ocean floor and instance baby bottles as the particles! :wink:


Thanks for the kind feedback! :heart: Happy to get criticism too :slight_smile:

I managed to generate frame-by-frame some solid curves too now, rather than using line system, which was nice for debugging but not possible to shade:

There’s a glitch in the hermite interpolation for now but it had an awesome mechanical look so I left it! :slight_smile:

Edit: More realistic stiffness implementation:


So good!

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Put an eye in it and learn from the boss slowly


It’s time for the best part! I am working to add hair to an animated character now. I’m using a Blender + Mixamo + GLSL export workflow as I’ve seen from examples.

Unfortunately the transform nodes + bone matrices are really doing my head in (it is a very weak head in the mathematical sense haha).

In too much detail (helps me understand what I’m trying to solve as I write it), here I’ll explain my mental model for the simulation interacting with Babylon scene:

World space:

  • the hair mesh has its parent set to the character mesh (or transform node); so all world transforms to the character applies to the hair too. BUT importantly we record the inverse delta of world space transform each iteration. (this is for preserving physical locality, see explanation at bottom).

Local space:

Each hair strands’ root point is pinned strictly to some vertex in the character mesh – calling it spawn vertex – it doesn’t follow physics. Other points down the strand, contrarily, should only move globally because of simulated physical constraints.

Root point behavior: statically track the spawn vertex

  • That means at the beginning of each sim iteration we set the local position of the hair root point to the local space position of its spawn vertex. So significant local space transforms (e.g. bones, morph targets) affect both the spawn vertex and root point equivalently.

Other points’ behavior: follow physical constraints

  • For non-root points in the strand, only simulated constraints should determine motion in world space. But there’s a gotcha – Because we’re using local space coordinates for the root points’ positions and using parenting for the global transforms, when we drag the character the hair would just move with it statically. That doesn’t respect physical notion of locality where the individual sections of hair each want to stay where they are until some external force tries to move them (e.g. tension upstream on the strand). So we need to do a trick here – for all non-root points, offset their positions against the mesh’s global transform (more specifically, offset by the inverse of the delta transform between the previous frame / iteration and current), causing them to appear suspended in space by resisting being moved by the parent mesh (until one-way constraints to the statically positioned root points cause them to be pulled towards the mesh’s new global position). This offsetting is done without impact to acceleration (energy shouldn’t be added because no movement occurs in global space).

To try to summarize this part, I wanna keep the simulation positions in local space (preserves numeric fidelity) but to have global motion affect the simulation accurately we need to offset all sim-controlled (e.g. non-root) hair points against any mesh transforms so they can organically, rather than statically, react to the transform.

tl;dr; Open question

@Evgeni_Popov perhaps? :pray:

What’s a viable approach to get the final post-transformation (e.g. after bones, morph targets) vertex positions / normals into my compute shader? I had the idea to just write the computed positions to a storage buffer from a material plugin custom vertex stage (playground of that humiliation); of course it’s not possible to write from a vertex shader (if one could only know everything beforehand)!

My next effort would probably be to port the transformations section of the (compiled) default vertex shader WGSL to a compute shader. But perhaps there’s a better solution?

If it would simplify the problem, for my own “character hair” use case I could decide by definition that only one bone has full weight over the relevant spawn vertices, and that could be the sole basis of local space transforms (no morph targets etc). Maybe in that case I could go with an approach like using { headBone }.getAbsoluteMatrix() as a uniform. But I wasn’t able to pull that off in this test playground yet, likely because I don’t understand some interactions between the mesh parenting and skinning.

Thanks for reading!

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May be this can help you find the correct position of the vertices in an animation:

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Nice, thanks :slight_smile: great simple POC and should solve my use case perfectly! I think CPU side is just fine for now actually, I will give your approach a try hopefully tonight.

I am still curious what a GPU-side solution would look like, especially for high-resolution meshes and with different types of local transforms I could imagine a performance difference getting more dramatic.

But it is good to be pragmatic as a solo dev, I am trying to embrace that :slight_smile:

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WIP, based on @CodingCrusader’s POC (thanks again!) I added ability to select spawn vertices based on a control mesh (for something that looks more like a hair pattern – previously I was just using a Y-clip value). I will integrate the positions into my simulation compute shader via storage buffers :slight_smile:

I have some more questions meanwhile:

  • I can notice a little bit of wobble in the computed positions relative to the source mesh, in both the original. Is this just numerical stability issues, or possibly the matrix data is one frame behind due to the timing of the updates?
  • How should I scale / rotate an imported complex mesh with skeletons / animations such that this playground (using particles to depict the transformed positions) would still work? (I’ve read a few docs on this but did not completely understand it yet).

My own hair sim generates a single mesh, so I think I can just make that mesh have the root transform node of the character as its parent, then it should follow any transforms, I guess. I’ll try that next :slight_smile:

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You can take inspiration from what we did for the ComputeBoundingHelper class, which had to do exactly that to calculate the right bounding box for a list of vertices:


Did you know that you can attach a mesh to a bone? So you don’t need to calculate the animated positions

Here is an example:
attach mesh on a mesh | Babylon.js Playground

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This is exactly what I needed! I have adapted the WGSL compute setup (still very messy) to get updated vertex properties for hair roots. Here’s a POC you can never unsee (the code is even uglier than the abomination in the scene):

EDIT: I did observe that unlike in the Alien example, on my project’s character mesh some bones’ influences are off-kilter:

I deviated from the ComputeShaderBoundingHelper implementation in that I’m not updating the shader at all each frame (I’m setting buffers and bindings for bones only at the initialization time). Do you know off the top of your head if bone related buffers need to be updated each frame for the correct result (in which case I just got lucky with the alien, and need to add the per-frame updates)? In any case I will take another look next time I can work on this.

@CodingCrusader this is a great trick too, I think it factors only single bone (so, accurate for vertices with only one contributor bone) right? I think I can use it to good effect for adding spheroid-based collision to my physics sim (as the general head movement should be approximable with a single bone attachment).