The BoundingBoxRenderer can have front and back color.
There is no API method to set the “width” of the lines. I would like to set the width as users are not seeing the bounding box. Is there a way to do this?
Yes. Thanks. I will draw the rectangles. My question is if I could somehow replace the BoundingBoxRenderer with my implementation of BoundingBoxRenderer that draws rectangles?
I saw scene.getBoundingBoxRenderer() but no scene.setBoundingBoxRenderer()
My idea was to extend BoundingBoxRenderer and to include the code of EdgesRendered in it. In this way I could render edges with width.
Current I am first calling super on BoundingBoxRenderer and then do my own rendering on top of it. A nice solution would probably skip the original render.
Also _generateEdgesLines is called way to many times. Generally there is still work to be done.