How to change color according to height in Node Geometry Editor?

I’m currently trying to see if I can express the Grand Canyon by combining a height map and a node geometry editor.

If possible, I would like to change the color depending on the height, but that didn’t work. Can you tell me how to do it?
For example, I would like to make it green (land) if it is above the ground, and blue (river) if it is below the ground.

Hello! I don’t think you can change the color in an instance per instance basis, but you can change the individual vertices colors depending on the position:
Node Geometry Editor Test | Babylon.js Playground (

Note that you could also use NME for this: Node Geometry Editor Test | Babylon.js Playground (

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Thank you for teaching me that. I think I probably achieved what I wanted to do.

Thank you for teaching me how to do NME as well. I don’t know much about NGE/NME, so I would like to try various things.