How to change the camera target without having that target automatically centered on the screen

Thank you @PolygonalSun for taking the time.

@jcoop @bghgary please allow me to add you to this discussion as you seem to have been working with the targetScreenOffset property.

I get the idea but I still don’t understand how to convert between world space coordinates and values for the targetScreenOffset camera property.
Because the unit used by that property does not seem to be the same as the one used when doing a projection with BABYLON.Vector3.Project. Indeed I also tried using BABYLON.Vector3.Project without success. Also that unit does not seem to correspond to the ones of the various event properties we get when listening to a POINTERDOWN event.

I’ll keep trying. Don’t hesitate to share any other idea or code sample.
Of course if I find a solution, I’ll share it here.

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