How to run https server on Babylon.js Editor


Thanks for your reply!
My implementation for VR controller input is under construction. Here is a BJS Editor project.

flushpot1125/BJSEditor_WebXRprojects: Compatible with Babylon.js Editor v4.0.0-rc.3 or later (

Each cube and sphere is equal to VR controller’s buttons or triggers. When buttons or triggers are pressed, the pressed objects scales up.

Source code is not formatted yet. I’ll add texts of buttons or trigger name near each objects.
More efficient implementation will be welcome for me!

The movie shows current implementation.

It seems be dark. Then I changed a material of “sky” object from “sky” to “ground”. It seems be bright, but afterimages were showed like the second movie.

If you know about the reason, I’d be glad to hear it.

Kindly thanks :slight_smile: