How to use Babylon Viewer entirely offline?

I am happy it is all clear now! I really want to see the end result, whenever it is done.

Would be really great to know what was the thing missing for you, or what was unclear.
I tried creating the viewer in the most intuitive way i could find, but what’s intuitive for me is usually NOT what is intuitive to the rest of the universe.

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+1 !!!

I think my issue was understanding how the babylon tag’s extends is used to address the configuration.

Ultimately the package I’m putting together puts 3D models onto a visitor touchscreen (and then wider across a web interface which isn’t paid for yet), so immediate visibility, fidelity, ease of interface and good loading time are very important.

You won’t believe how simple it all looks, especially given the number of questions I’ve asked :slight_smile:

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I’m hitting a peculiar problem that I can’t get to the bottom of. I’m loading gltf into the viewer, I’ve been creating these by downloading my models from Sketchfab in gltf format. Some show completely in the viewer while some load a model with no texture (just looks all black, ground plane etc. still loads). I’ve loaded one of the “faulty” gltf files into an online viewer and all appears okay.

I’ve checked the uri references in the gltf file and they’re all pointing the right way too. I’ve downloaded the “converted” gltf file as a glb from the online viewer and tried loading that into my offline viewer… same problem.

Evidently I’m missing something about the textures, but what? I’m happy to send you one of the affected models if it would help?

@Deltakosh… I validated the file in the SandBox (don’t know why I didn’t think to do that sooner), it appears to be valid with no errors. I’m using the viewer in my webapp for this model and for models which work okay.

The console doesn’t throw any errors when rendering the scene, perhaps I’m missing an albedo or alpha setting somewhere? I appreciate your help as always - I thought I was in the last few hours of this project but I guess that’s how it goes :smiley:

Can you make sure the version of the viewer you are using is the latest one (4.1-alpha ?)

I’ve updated to 4.1.alpha (confirmed in console output), still having the same problem. Files that did work still work, none of the non-working files work. The non-working files all seem to verify okay in the Sandbox.

After an evening’s testing I’ve discovered that the problem was with me, usual story :slight_smile:

When I remove -lights- -light1 type=“1” shadow-enabled=“true”- -/light1- -/lights- (hyphens instead of tag arrows) everything works fine.

Thank you for your patience, as ever!

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I prefer that by far tbh :slight_smile:

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