Vue use Babylon.js More literature

I really like Babylonjs, I’m using Vue2.0 to introduce Babylon. Js, GLTF or obJ, and I’ve got it
The problem is at number two
1 Access port file


        // Use the service to access files  


    //   Local folder  Add images and other files to other tags, and the URL is fine

      //   "@/assets/obj/",



      function(scene) {

        // Create a default arc rotate camera and light.

        scene.createDefaultCameraOrLight(true, true, true);

        // The default camera looks at the back of the asset.

        // Rotate the camera by 180 degrees to the front of the asset.

        scene.activeCamera.alpha += Math.PI;



2 Access local folders


        // Use the service to access files  

    //   "http://localhost:55855/obj/",

    //   Local folder  Add images and other files to other tags, and the URL is fine




      function(scene) {

        // Create a default arc rotate camera and light.

        scene.createDefaultCameraOrLight(true, true, true);

        // The default camera looks at the back of the asset.

        // Rotate the camera by 180 degrees to the front of the asset.

        scene.activeCamera.alpha += Math.PI;



@ is the URL configured by WebPack, and there is no problem introducing @ into other tags

⑴Could please tell me how to solve this problem???
⑵I want to try the game with Babylon. Js, where can I find more literature or tutorials?Because the documentation seems confusing to me, but I love learning Babylon. Js
Thank you again!!

What exactly is the problem? what doesn’t work? The fact that the URL has “@” in it? or local URLs that don’t exist? Would be great to have the error documented - what is the expected result and what is the actual error.