How to use MeshImpostor with blender imported glb?

Hi @Deltakosh :slight_smile:
That’s what I thought. I tried again today to make it work with a glb model but couldn’t.
Here is an example Babylon Template

As you say I noticed that the structure of the mesh I get with BABYLON.SceneLoader.ImportMesh is different (there’s a root element on [0]) but I don’t understand what it could change as I’m not using it.

As with the .babylon, with the .glb I put the physics on the bended cylinder (the goal) so I think the problem don’t come from what I do with Babylon JS (feel free to tell me if i’m wrong, i’m fairly new to 3D and Babylon).

Maybe it come from the .glb export made from blender ? Or maybe it come from a different way of “activating” physics on a meshe contained in a .glb in Babylon ?