I got an exciting PR from @dennemark for react-babylonjs
, which is a port of the Html component from drei
Allows you to tie HTML content to any object of your scene. It will be projected to the objects whereabouts automatically.
So that this:
import { Html } from 'react-babylonjs'
<transformNode name="transform-node" position={position} rotation={rotation}>
<sphere name='sphere1' diameter={2} segments={16} position={new Vector3(0, 1, 0)}>
<Html name="html" center occlude={false} >
{<div style={{backgroundColor: 'white', borderRadius: '5px', border: '2px solid #000000', padding: '8px'}}>Lorus<br/>Ipsum</div>}
… ends up looking like this where I have declaratively attached DOM to be projected in the 3d scene:
You can see a live demo here:
GUI - Html Text ⋅ Storybook (brianzinn.github.io)
Source code of Html is here:
react-babylonjs/Html.tsx at master · brianzinn/react-babylonjs (github.com)