Yes. It’s about getting the hierarchy bounding box and make a new center from there.
Something like this:
Edit: to reposition the center of mesh on the center of cube on the Y axis, use the commented ‘Ybottom’ scale and apply this to your ‘y.position’ (uncomment lines 34 and 38 in this PG)
Edit1: Forgot to mention a thing that might be important to you. If you want to further interact with this object such as i.e. rotate it from the new center, you will need to parent it to a transform node and use this transform node for translation/rotation. If you click on the mesh node (parent) you can see that the values of position are not a zero world origin. That’s because the object position has been recalculated from the bounding box BUT the pivot has not changed. Hope this all helps. Else, let me know and meanwhile, have a great day