Yes, this can be done, but it’s not trivial. The best solution depends heavily on how complex your content is.
Puppeteer is a good solution to automate the browser, and you’ll need some way to spin processes and queue them, as well a pipeline to process data. There are several ways to save the video: you can dump PNGs for every frame, record the video straight from the browser or even stream it in real time. They’ll all have some gotchas for a production quality implementation.
If you are just adding audio later (such as a sound track) and you don’t have strict time requirements it’s not difficult to do it in all of these cases. If audio is linked to events, like in a game, things are harder. If you can’t render your scene in real time things will be more complicated, and I’d go with a separate process to render the audio.
I’ve done similar things before. It can be done but it’s not a pleasant or quick implementation. You can ping me if you want more details.