It is possible to make more than 2 dependence parts of simulation?

Hi @carolhmj :slight_smile: . Now I’m trying another way.
I want to try to animate the desk by rotating the mesh ( I am trying this example - )
I don’t know why It doesn’t work.
My model -
Maybe problem is that I incorrectly include the .glb file

Animating rotation isn’t working because the model loader sets the mesh’s rotationQuaternion, which is causing the rotation to be ignored. Here I just converted the rotationQuaternion to euler angles to preserve the existing rotation and then set it to null, so that you can then animate rotation.y with the slider. :slight_smile:


Thank you so much. It helped :slight_smile:

I have another small question.
I have a little problem with the bottom part of the model arm. Is it possible to change a center position? Because I have a rotation about the actual model center

current model version

What I need

either you need to add an extra transform node to rotate around or you need to set a pivot Pivots | Babylon.js Documentation

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Hello, just checking in to see if you need anything :slight_smile: