Looking for experienced babylon.js developer for general optimization and coaching

Dear Babylon.js community,

We, a medium-sized company from Germany, are looking for a babylon.js expert to support us in the optimization of our application. Since our target systems include both popular evergreen browsers and 6th and 7th generation iPads, you should ideally have both experience with business applications or game development using babylon.js and babylon.js within mobile applications.

This is our first project with babylon.js with a codebase that has grown over the last two years. Our goal is to fix general performance / memory consumption issues and learn how to evade such pitfalls in the future. The assignment is supposed to last a few weeks and could lead to a longer collaboration.

If you are interested, please contact us with some details about yourself.

Best regards,


I do this for a few companies. You should swing an email to Pryme8@gmail.com

Iā€™m pretty loaded with work right now but if you are just looking for some consulting on methods and system setup then I could find some time on my schedule for you next month.

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