Offering Short-Term Freelance Job (~2 weeks) for Experienced Babylon Dev

Hey wonderful community! At, we’re looking for a creative JS/TS developer who can help us integrate Babylon.js into our custom game engine. The engine is about “deep-gamifying” math education and relies on a dedicated content system, so the job will require writing reusable pairs of TS/ES6 classes and Vue components, each wrapping a specific Babylon object or object combination such as Scene, Model, etc. If you are interested and available in April, please reach out!


Sounds fun. I sent you a DM.

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If you have a tweet about it we can also amplify it if needed


I like it! :smiley:

If you are still on the lookout to hire someone, I would be glad to help you out as I am an experienced Babylon developer
You can reach out to me on my email here