October 27, 2019, 1:34am
Hi @1113 ,
I’m probably working on the same problem, and tried to clearify the problem statement (as well as adding additional issues, which occured to me). Please look at following issues and maybe give me some input on your strategy so far.
Some variants of the current google cardboard designs as well as the merge vr goggles use simple touch interactions (without any additional controller). How would it be possible to use the babylon gui with these kind of goggles, concering following issues:
gaze interaction: a press on a touch-button (seperate from the gaze target) needs to trigger a babylon gui element. pickWithRay is not an option, as this doesnt work with gui elements (as far is i know).
the non stereo buttons, needed fo…
I never heard of merge, but it looks very nice. Kind’a like daydream, i assume?
The phone you are using is important. if it supports WebVR you can use the WebVR experience helper, but if it doesn’t (like in the case of iOS), it will fall back the device orientation camera, which is a bit limited due to lack of API support. But! it is still working
I don’t know how the touch registers on the device itself. The GearVR, for example, registered itself as a “controller”, so you …