Hi Community!
So, I got a model with 3D lines.
I’ve tried exporting it through Blender to .babylon and lines where lost.
Tested loading it on the sandbox and the lines were not there either, that’s OK.
Opened the file in notepad and notice the line obj did not exist either, that’s OK too.
So I changed to .gtlf, tried it on the sand box, worked fine.
Tried it on .html and was also able to load them.
So, the question is.
What do I need to do in React to load 3D Lines?
Do I need to install more than:
npm install --save-dev @babylonjs/core @babylonjs/loaders
import “@babylonjs/loaders/glTF”;
await SceneLoader.ImportMeshAsync(“LineName”, LinePath, LineFile, scene);
My REACT project is more like a shell, the code is all javascript… but still… what might I be missing?
Any tips?