Render large Babylon files

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Ok I see, indeed there is room for optimisation !
Question : How are you modeling these ? Blender ? Anyway, you have some opti todo before exporting :

TONS of meshes are the same, and should be instanciated. It means that only “one” mesh is written to the file, as well as sent to GPU for render. And then the duplication is done at render time, given transform (position, rotation, scale)
For example, these red stuffs are the same and could be instanciated :

Same for these green stuffs :

And even the pipes, all linear parts are separate meshes while they are exactly the same topology, it would be one mesh only, instanciated, with various transforms (position, rotation, scale)

Also, the vertices density is too high given the scene size :

Here the selected central bar is 64 vertices, it could be way less, etc…

So, to sum it up, given your modeling tool (Blender, or whatever), you need to instanciate a LOT in this scene, and reduce some polycounts where not necessary. Before exporting :slight_smile:


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Brother I have said ,my task is to create a code for rendering this kind of large Babylon files ,so I have to use many optimisation techniques like index db,octree, occlusion culling,ray tracing, progressive loading,lod

I should implement all these techniques in to my code and you know I’m a beginner,
If you know this techniques and any other techniques your own pls help

I have shared my git hub code link above you can clone it and do whatever techniques you know ,so I can study that code tooo

Sorry but as has been mentioned a few times by a few people already, your first and best option is to optimise the models/meshes before you export them, using tools in Blender or whatever 3D software you are using to create the files.

You cannot easily optimise such large files in Babylon.js. It’s a case of “garbage in, garbage out” - ensure the files are optimised as much as possible following the advice of @Tricotou above, and only then will you be able to efficiently load them using Babylon.js and apply other optimisation techniques.


I am wondering too wtf can result in 5 gigs for such a simple model :smiley: