Screen Rect Line Blinking When Rotating

I used ShaderMaterial to draw rectangular boxes on a 2D screen
I hope that moving/rotating the camera does not affect the display of the rectangular box

The following is a PG, and you can see that by default, there is no green rectangular box displayed

When rotating or scrolling the camera, you can see a rectangular box

In my understanding, rect should always be displayed and should not be affected by Frustum Culling

Screen Rect Line Blinking When Rotating | Babylon.js Playground (

The mesh position will not be rendered if it is not within the frustum range, and you will need to update the mesh position in real time, or simply add a rectangular box in post-processing.

Can Frustum Culling be avoided? It is completely independent and has nothing to do with the camera
What I’m puzzled about is why it appears after rotating at a certain angle
How to update the grid in real-time, in fact, I have updated its position every frame
How should post-processing be operated?

Just tried it and using alwaysSelectAsActiveMesh can make the mesh avoid frustum culling.
Screen Rect Line Blinking When Rotating | Babylon.js Playground (

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It’s exactly what I need, thank you very much!