I am trying to introduce GreasedLine into my application. The application is based on Typescript, I am using ES6 three-shakeable imports and WebGPU.
After importing and using import { CreateGreasedLine } from '@babylonjs/core/Meshes/Builders/greasedLineBuilder';, I get the following runtime error: ERROR engine.rawTexture needs to be imported before as it contains a side-effect required by your code.
I tried importing import '@babylonjs/core/Materials/Textures/rawTexture';, however, the error is not going away.
How to fix it? I assume that there is another import for engine.rawTexture.
To give you a bit of context: The application allows you to chain transformation matrices and visualizes this transformation chain on a canvas. Currently, because the graphics view is broken, you will only see the lower part that is the matrix chain editor.