Townscaper : a procedural building game

Hello there :slight_smile:

It appears that the search “Townscaper” on the forum gives no result, so I guess I’m not creating a double here :grin: . Just wanted to share this game :

:arrow_right: Townscaper :arrow_left:

What I love about it, is the work on procedural modeling. I spoke a bit in other posts about my passion for procedural modeling, and I think this game is very inspirationnal. Have a look and try different patterns. It’s very well designed, the way a roof may or may not transform into rooftop, etc, etc… Wow.

I think I want to re do it from scratch using BabylonJS. Who wants to start a common project ? :grin: Ahah



How cool is the idea behind the game?!! :muscle:

You’d better ask who has time to join you :stuck_out_tongue:

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I love this game! There are so many details everywhere ^^ I would join you in a breeze if only I had more time.

keep us updated :wink:


Here is something to start with : GitHub - CedricGuillemet/HexagridRelaxing: hexagonal grid relaxing
It’s a redo, after discussions with the author, of the base grid/connection.


Wôôôt :grinning:
And where is your Babylon-Based Townscaper ? What do you mean you started to code the grid and didn’t finish the game, ahah :joy: Nice !

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That is a PERFECT candidate for NGE :slight_smile:

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I am in love with this game! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

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If so you’ll love the work of Hassan Ragab

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Interesting visuals but it’s AI based :stuck_out_tongue: (Which I love as well for sure ! I’ve been working on GANs & DL for years :see_no_evil: )

But I prefer pure geometry procedural modeling :grin:

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This is the idea behind such procedural models. Even the AIs work with this principle. We can talk later more about and stumble into spiritual issues…

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Oooh nice, reminds of Phantom Brigade. What I find difficult is to author the individual pieces that fit together eventually. I mean coming up with this?

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F*ck me dead bro!!!

Maybe you could write a cool Lighting effect class (like the one seen on the video) which could use GreasedLine if you are into the procedural stuff. I have it on my list but unfortunately there are many more tasks with higher priority on it… :see_no_evil:

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