Weekly Video: Answering a Forum Question with NME Procedural Textures!

Time for another weekly video gang!

This one was completely inspired by an inspiring forum question asked a few months back. With lots of different possible ways to answer it, in this video I walk through how to leverage a new Node Material Editor mode for a fun and easy solution.

Thanks for the inspiration @pietrko

Making " unit selection circle" like in RPG games

Babylon.js 4.2 NME Procedural Textures to the rescue!!!

You can follow along with this playground:


@PirateJC could you please check the playground link? It doesnā€™t work for me.

Anyway, thanks for the cool video!

This link: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#WFS7AT#12 does work for me.

What is the error you get?

Oh, yeah, seems like youtube issue
Screenshot 2023-01-25 at 13.21.21

cc @PirateJC

Hey @Alexander_Sosnovskiy thanks for sending this our way.

I dug into this about a month ago and donā€™t have great news.

Itā€™s on the YouTube side unfortunately. It looks like they made a change in the past year to their url parser that eliminates the ability to recognize multiple ā€˜#ā€™ signs in a urlā€¦something that the playground saving mechanism is dependent on.

Itā€™s super lame and big bummer.

Iā€™d like to file a bug on it, but if Iā€™m being honest I got overwhelmed on where to even file a YouTube bug.

Anyways, itā€™s a known issue on the YouTube side, but not something Iā€™ve gotten any further with.

Ok I figured out how to file ā€œfeedbackā€ to YouTube.

No idea if this issue will be seen or taken seriously, but itā€™s been officially filed with YouTube!


Thank you!

This may be a stupid idea, but how about just creating a completely new playground and pasting the code?

Basically, this: Babylon.js Playground - Note that thereā€™s no second hashtag for YT to eat :yum:

Edit: I tried posting it in a YouTube comment as well, but looks like it got spam-filtered so I canā€™t test the link.

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