Upgrading from 3.1 alpha5 to 4.03, take 12, multiple issues

And it is a bug in your code:

This cannot work:

let new_position = new BABYLON.Vector3(x || position.x, y || position.y, z || position.z);

if the animation set x, y or z to 0 you will ignore them and use previous position.

This may have worked with previous release of babylon.js because animations were a bit buggy and sometimes missed the last frame.


Ahh, ya that makes sense, sorry my bad .

Also when you say you do not need lodash in PG are you saying that lodash is already loaded in playground? (the code I pasted in uses it but you’d have to pass an undefined from value to see that path getting executed) - I am now seeing it does appear to be defined in playground but it looks like a dependency may be causing it to be included rather than it being included into PG as a dependency.

But I certainly won’t load it separately in the future if it’s already being loaded, and the loading was intentional.

Nope I said that because your code was not using it