I don’t get why my little sign does not show above the ground tile.
I am using 2 custom meshes with 2 triangles each under certain angles the ordering is fine.
But when I rotate the camera sometime the floor hides the sign.
I have checked my numbers many time and I can’t find what is wrong.
Does anyone know how to fix this type of issues.
Is there a way to display the z order of individual pixels or some tools to help me debug this problem?
Anyone wanting to help
You can see the problem on my dev server is here: https://friends-tau.vercel.app/#l255
clicking the button “Babylon Scene Explorer” on the third tab will make the Babylon explorer appear
Replying to my own question.
The z-order was wrong.
I changed the script to rotate the camera and nothing was were I expected it.
I have fixed it here: https://playground.babylonjs.com/#3PEGT0
I am going to change my main game now.
If anyone follow this thread in the future I corrected my game fine.
In my game I was using these two lines material.diffuseTexture.hasAlpha = true; material.useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture = true;
It turns out the first line was correct but the second line was messing up my display.
I replaced the second line by material.useAlphaFromDiffuseTexture = false;
and it all works correctly now.