I’m importing gltf files with importmesh method, at the onMeshLoaded event of this method i’m trying to handle mesh scaling.
But; when i try to console.log(mesh.scaling + “skala values”); it’s logging {1, 1, 1};
when i logging the mesh and check the down nodes i see it’s different values in there.
If you’re already using mesh.scaling = new BABYLON.Vector3(scale_x, scale_y, scale_z); then I would assume it’s an issue with your render loop. Try setting the scale in a RegisterBeforeRender() function. If you’re new to GPU processing, then this is an essential component of most any rendered geometry.
I;m not able to load your mesh from the PG scene. Although I can see that you’re loading meshes inside the render loop from the code you provided.
If you want to load a mesh and adjust scaling I recommend using RegisterBeforeRender function as this will create adjustments to your mesh outside of the render loop. Otherwise, your mesh will import at the default value of (1,1,1) on X Y and Z.
Remember that your render loop is set to render what is already in your scene to optimize memory.