Add a "change page" in the documentation

You can see what’s new in the next version here:
Babylon.js/what’s at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (

It does state: Add Geodesic and Goldberg Polyhedra.

I have been quietly championing the use of @since decorators ( @since tag versioning - Questions - Babylon.js ( To be honest they are not that useful unless they are always used and perhaps as part of contribution guidelines. They can be used to generate docs for next and previous versions. It’s not really possible for regular users of the library to keep up with what’s new or what version it was introduced in, so that would be helpful if it was used everywhere. Here’s how it looks in the API docs - anybody reading the docs would then know it was not in 4.2:

You’ll see it’s used sporadically and not for the thing you were looking for :smile:
Babylon.js/polyhedronBuilder.ts at master · BabylonJS/Babylon.js (

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