Could you please view the Playground:
We can switch between using Cannon and Ammo by toggling
const isUseAmmo = false;
When using Cannon, observe how the blue capsule does not tip over. This is because of the line:
compoundBody.physicsImpostor.physicsBody.angularDamping = 1;
I hope to recreate this same behavior using Ammo. When setting isUseAmmo = true
and using the Ammo equivalent
compoundBody.physicsImpostor.physicsBody.setDamping(0, 1);
, the blue capsule tips over
Would anyone know how to have the capsule not tip over when using Ammo? Thank you!
Additional Information:
When using Ammo, this tipping behavior occurs for both Compound capsules (2 spheres + 1 cylinder) and single CapsuleImpostors: