Yo @trevordev … I think i found issue…
If i register a DUMMY collision using registerOnPhysicsCollide i then get my legacy onCollideEvent
The problem this code here:
if (mainImpostor._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.length > 0) {
if (this._isImpostorInContact(mainImpostor)) {
for (var collideCallback of mainImpostor._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks) {
for (var otherImpostor of collideCallback.otherImpostors) {
if (mainImpostor.physicsBody.isActive() || otherImpostor.physicsBody.isActive()) {
if (this._isImpostorPairInContact(mainImpostor, otherImpostor)) {
mainImpostor.onCollide({ body: otherImpostor.physicsBody });
otherImpostor.onCollide({ body: mainImpostor.physicsBody });
It does not take into account the mainImpostor.onCollideEvent not equal null like the physicsImpsoter.onCollide does with this code:
if (!this._onPhysicsCollideCallbacks.length && !this.onCollideEvent) {
The current code is just checking mainImpostor._onPhysicsCollideCallback.length.
I think we need to add support for mainImposter.onCollideEvent as well… Please