Animate ArcRotateCamera using GSAP

I am trying to animate the arcRotateCamera when I first enter the scene and I would like to do a small rotation with a zoom in. The issue I am having is that I am only able to affect the positioning of the camera and not the rotation. I am able to do this by selecting the’s position but this is the only attribute I am able to select with GSAP. How can I select the camera’s rotation?

Here is the simple gsap script to affect the target., {
          duration: 3,
          z: -2,
          ease: "linear",

I believe for the arcRotateCamera you may use camera.alpha and camera.beta

Docs - Camera Introduction | Babylon.js Documentation


so then gsap would look like…?, {
          duration: 3,
          alpha: Math.PI,
          ease: "linear",

This didn’t work for me and I received the error below. I installed GSAP and ran the scene using parcel btw.
“Invalid property alpha set to 3.141592653589793 Missing plugin? gsap.registerPlugin()”

Shouldn’t the first parameter be camera not camera.alpha? Otherwise the way you have it it’s trying to animate camera.alpha.alpha I guess…, {
    duration: 3,
    alpha: Math.PI,
    ease: "linear",

you’re a genius…