I noticed that sometimes there was still a lot of clumping of animation start times so I ended up writing this function that helps trigger a function at approximately the right time. And I use it as follows:
function create_smoke_plume (scene: Scene, emit_position: Vector3, count: number)
const total_frames = 24
const lifetime_ms = 3000
const smokes: { mesh: AbstractMesh, delay_ms: number }[] = create_smoke_balls_with_animations({ scene, emit_position, count })
const start_ms = performance.now()
smokes.forEach(({ mesh, delay_ms }) =>
const funktion = () => scene.beginAnimation(mesh, 0, total_frames, true)
trigger_function_at({ funktion, delay_ms, loop_ms: lifetime_ms, start_ms })
The trigger_function_at
implementation that seems to work well so far:
import { test } from "./test"
interface TriggerFunctionAtArgs
funktion: () => void
delay_ms: number
loop_ms: number
start_ms: number
tolerance_ms?: number
attempts_remaining?: number
// We use this function as during start up / running, i.e. when the tab
// is not the focused tab there may be delays in the setTimeout
// that results in it firing significantly later than expected. For
// animating a series of components such as puffs of smoke in a
// smoke plume, this results in distracting / un-appealing / confusing
// gaps and clumps. This function is an attempted work around
// for that problem.
export function trigger_function_at (args: TriggerFunctionAtArgs)
const { tolerance_ms = 20 } = args
let { attempts_remaining = 5 } = args
if (attempts_remaining <= 0)
console.warn(`Failed to start funktion: "${args.funktion.toString()}" on time`)
const { with_in_tolerance, diff_ms } = is_within_tolerance({ ...args, tolerance_ms })
if (with_in_tolerance)
const { aim_for_next_cycle, wait_for } = calc_wait_for({ diff_ms, loop_ms: args.loop_ms })
setTimeout(() =>
attempts_remaining = attempts_remaining + (aim_for_next_cycle ? -1 : 0)
if (aim_for_next_cycle)
console .warn(`Aiming to start funktion next cycle in `, wait_for, " attempts remaining ", attempts_remaining)
console .log(`Aiming to start funktion this cycle in `, wait_for, " attempts remaining ", attempts_remaining)
trigger_function_at({ ...args, tolerance_ms, attempts_remaining })
}, wait_for)
function is_within_tolerance (args: { delay_ms: number, loop_ms: number, start_ms: number, tolerance_ms: number })
const offset_ms = (performance.now() - args.start_ms) % args.loop_ms
const diff_ms = args.delay_ms - offset_ms
const with_in_tolerance = Math.abs(diff_ms) <= args.tolerance_ms
return { with_in_tolerance, diff_ms }
function calc_wait_for (args: { diff_ms: number, loop_ms: number })
const aim_for_next_cycle = args.diff_ms < 0
const wait_for = aim_for_next_cycle
? args.loop_ms + args.diff_ms
: args.diff_ms
return { aim_for_next_cycle, wait_for }
function run_tests ()
let start_ms = performance.now()
const delay_ms = 150
const loop_ms = 3000
const tolerance_ms = 20
let result_tolerance = is_within_tolerance({ delay_ms, loop_ms, start_ms, tolerance_ms })
test(result_tolerance.with_in_tolerance, false)
test(result_tolerance.diff_ms, delay_ms)
result_tolerance = is_within_tolerance({ delay_ms, loop_ms, start_ms: performance.now() - delay_ms, tolerance_ms })
test(result_tolerance.with_in_tolerance, true)
test(result_tolerance.diff_ms, 0)
result_tolerance = is_within_tolerance({ delay_ms, loop_ms, start_ms: performance.now() - delay_ms + tolerance_ms, tolerance_ms })
test(result_tolerance.with_in_tolerance, true)
test(result_tolerance.diff_ms, 20)
result_tolerance = is_within_tolerance({ delay_ms, loop_ms, start_ms: performance.now() - delay_ms - tolerance_ms, tolerance_ms })
test(result_tolerance.with_in_tolerance, true)
test(result_tolerance.diff_ms, -20)
result_tolerance = is_within_tolerance({ delay_ms, loop_ms, start_ms: performance.now() - delay_ms - tolerance_ms - 1, tolerance_ms })
test(result_tolerance.with_in_tolerance, false)
test(result_tolerance.diff_ms, -21)
let result_wait_for = calc_wait_for({ diff_ms: 0, loop_ms })
test(result_wait_for.aim_for_next_cycle, false)
test(result_wait_for.wait_for, 0)
result_wait_for = calc_wait_for({ diff_ms: 30, loop_ms })
test(result_wait_for.aim_for_next_cycle, false)
test(result_wait_for.wait_for, 30)
result_wait_for = calc_wait_for({ diff_ms: -30, loop_ms })
test(result_wait_for.aim_for_next_cycle, true)
test(result_wait_for.wait_for, loop_ms - 30)
// run_tests()