Any Science Fiction fans out there?

I’m working on a project to implement a ‘virtual exhibit hall’ for a large Science Fiction Convention. We have enough 3D modellers at the moment, but I’m the only dev on the team and it’s the first time I’ve ever used BJS. I’m making progress, but I’m sure it would go better with the right help.

If you are an experienced dev available to help please respond here with the number of hours a week you are available and what you are best at and we’ll figure out a safe way to exchange email addys. (I only need one or two coders really.)

Heck, even if you can only answer questions, suggest work-arounds, and do code reviews for me, that would help.



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Hi Jack,

I can surely assist you for your requirement. Kindly check PM


I’m getting commercial offers, so I should have been more clear: this is volunteer only. Everyone involved in the convention is a volunteer and there is no budget for consulting.

You can already feel free to use this forum to ask as many questions as you want. We’ll make sure to get an answer for all of them :smiley: