ArcRotateCamera vs UniversalCamera

HI @PolygonalSun,
yes, that was my intent, but in the meanwhile i’ve found another solution that maybe could be more suitable for my application. I don’t know if continue on this post or open a new one: anyway this is how i’m planning to do.

I use ArcRotateCamera with locketTarget and than i move the target. This could be useful to make animation moving from a mesh to another.
All work fine but in this way i loose the pan feature (right click and drag). So i implement a scene.onPointerObservable to capture inputs and manually change the right click behaviur.
I made something like @PolygonalSun suggested in this post How to change UniversalCamera behaviour

It works but, as i mentioned in that post too, when i try panning, after some moves the scene goes far away: it seems that x,y mouse coord increase with very big value: and i don’t understant why. I tryied also with debug ad all i can see is that at certain point the coords increase to very big values.

This is my PG:
Try make some panning.

Thank you in advance